SMRs and AMRs

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pro-Romney ‘Super PAC’ Spent $14 Million in January


A “super PAC” supporting Mitt Romney blew through $14 million on a three-state advertising binge against his Republican rivals in January, according to campaign reports filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday.

But the super PAC, Restore Our Future, also raised close to $7 million during the same month, and began February with more than $16 million in the bank, money that has helped pound Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum and may help restore momentum for Mr. Romney as the “Super Tuesday” round of Republican contests next month approaches.

Still, the heavy spending by Restore Our Future highlighted the difficult political terrain for Mr. Romney in January, when he lost the South Carolina primary to Newt Gingrich before pulling off a victory in Florida later in the month, helped in part by multimillion-dollar ad campaigns by the Romney campaign and the Super PAC.

While Restore Our Future took in donations as small as $5, close to $5 million raised by the super PAC came from just 25 individuals and corporations, each giving between $100,000 and $500,000.

(More here.)


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