SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Climate change denial: Where political belief supersedes science

by Leigh Pomeroy
Published in the Mankato Free Press
Saturday, February 18, 2012

MANKATO — Several years ago while deplaning a flight from Colorado I was approached by a distinguished older gentleman who happened to have been sitting in the row behind me. “I found your discussion very interesting,” he said.

I had been talking politics with a seatmate, likewise a stranger, and we had come to a consensus on a number of issues. “In what way?” I asked the distinguished gentleman, expecting perhaps some dissent.

“Oh, I agree with much of what you said,” he replied. In looking at him further I thought, oh my God, this is someone I know but I’ve forgotten his name. I delicately pushed him as to who he was and eventually, somewhat reluctantly, he said he was Rudy Boschwitz.

Flashback two days earlier to one of the reasons I was in Colorado: for a college reunion. I was listening to a presentation by a former roommate who is now the foremost researcher on climate change in the Amazon River basin.

A transplanted American now living in Manaus, Brazil, Dr. Philip Fearnside was soberly and quite emphatically demonstrating to us with charts, figures and data that unless Amazon rainforest destruction and climate change were reversed, the whole South American continent would be in deep doodoo. Hot, dry deep doodoo.

Which brings me to Sen. Boschwitz’s recent op-ed piece in The Free Press — a recounting, unfortunately, of the standard smorgasbord of arguments oft repeated ad nauseam by right-wing pundits and well-paid shills for the fossil fuel industry. Boschwitz’s opening salvo in the article is that “31,487 American Scientists including 9,029 with Ph.D’s” (Google hits for this precise wording: 132) have signed a petition denying global warming.

This claim has been debunked numerous times since the petition was first floated in 1997 by or in such sources as Scientific American, the Sierra Club, the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Seattle Times and the highly regarded and objective website

From this assertion his article gets sillier, sighting some of the same deniers (e.g. Fred Singer) who have gained fame — and sometimes fortune — from their minority positions.

There is no argument that the planet has gone through many warming and cooling periods in its history, as Sen. Boschwitz asserts. Despite the huge complexity of the subject, climate scientists are beginning to understand what causes these fluctuations and, perhaps more importantly, what they cannot predict ... yet.

One thing they do understand is that, given the predictable cyclical causes of climate change, the planet should not be warming as fast as it is. In fact, there is evidence that it should be cooling.

“What’s causing this warming then?” they have asked. The conclusion by the overwhelming majority of scientists who really study climate — not weather, which is short term — is reminiscent of the famous old Pogo cartoon: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

This is why Sen. Boschwitz’s piece is so disappointing. Hopefully in the future his reading list will include more books and articles by true climate scientists instead of by those who make their living creating doubt.

Below is a suggested reading list for Sen. Boschwitz:
Books about climate science cover-up:
U.S. government sources:

Department of Defense and National Security:
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration:



Blogger Michael said...

It never ceases to amaze me that learned people to this day choose to deny the existence of climate change and global warming. With all the indicators and all the studies and science that points to the undeniable fact that man is causing this looming disaster, there are those that still deny it. I can't help but figure that they have some hidden self interest agenda and accepting mans responsibility for climate change is a very inconvenient truth for them. There is not doubt that the drying out of the Amazon Rainforest will be a mega disaster for the whole planet. We must save the Amazon, save the plants.

10:48 AM  

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