SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, February 04, 2012

F-35 Story Shows Why It's So Hard to Cut a Federal Program

Wednesday 1 February 2012
by: James Rosen and Rob Hotakainen
McClatchy Newspapers via Truthout

Washington - For all its high-tech stealth and record price tag, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter embodies the droll military motto, "Hurry up and wait."

Conceived in the heady post-Cold War 1990s, the futuristic fifth-generation jet fighter was to be a technological marvel built in a rush and paid for with "peace dividend" dollars.

But now with the economic crash, the fighter is billions over budget and years behind schedule.

Here's part of the problem: axing the F-35 would eliminate tens of thousands of jobs in 47 states. Few members of Congress are willing to go along.


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