SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Dempsey Told Israelis US Won't Join Their War on Iran

Thursday 2 February 2012
by: Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service

Chief of Staff of the Army, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey gives remarks during a ceremony honoring the Military Times 2011 Soldier of the Year. (Photo: The U.S. Army [4])

Washington - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey told Israeli leaders Jan. 20 that the United States would not participate in a war against Iran begun by Israel without prior agreement from Washington, according to accounts from well-placed senior military officers.

Dempsey's warning, conveyed to both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak, represents the strongest move yet by President Barack Obama to deter an Israeli attack and ensure that the United States is not caught up in a regional conflagration with Iran.

But the Israeli government remains defiant about maintaining its freedom of action to make war on Iran, and it is counting on the influence of right-wing extremist views in U.S. politics to bring pressure to bear on Obama to fall into line with a possible Israeli attack during the election campaign this fall.

Obama still appears reluctant to break publicly and explicitly with Israel over its threat of military aggression against Iran, even in the absence of evidence Iran has decided to build a nuclear weapon.

(More here.)


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