SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, February 04, 2012

The GOP’s ‘Europe’ is a land of make-believe

By Martin Klingst,
Published: February 3

Lately it seems that not a day goes by without a Republican presidential candidate portraying Europe as a socialist nightmare. Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum paint a picture of the Old World as unfree, strangulated by bureaucratic and inefficient welfare systems, and unable to reform and modernize. To these Republicans, Europe seems to be the antipode to everything America is meant to be.

I understand that stump speeches are coarse and that, to Republican candidates, Europe must be bad because President Obama occasionally praises some of its achievements, such as universal health care or the “green” revolution.

I also know there is an American tradition of holding up the Old World as an example of all that is wrong and corrupt. There is, unfortunately, a more recent European custom of blaming the United States for all that is perverse and profane. Moreover, there are good reasons to worry about Europe’s fiscal calamities, which stem in part from the unaffordable benefits for its citizens. It is understandable that some on this side of the Atlantic fear that the European debt crisis could drag the slowly recovering U.S. economy under.

But when Romney, Gingrich and Santorum warn about “socialist Europe,” they sound as though they are talking about the Soviet empire, which vanished long ago. Europe is the European Union, a modern entity of 27 democratic countries that, despite many commonalities, greatly differ in history, culture, language, sociology and politics. Europe is difficult to comprehend, but viewing it through a single lens is like calling the United States a Third World nation because there are very poor areas in the South where some people live in shacks or have little access to health care or where some schools are corridors of shame.

(More here.)


Blogger Tom Koch said...

A number of southern European countries are living beyond their means, enjoying wonderful government programs while they last or for as long as the Northern Europeans, primarily the Germans, will pay for them. To me it is proof that the Iron Lady was correct when she said “Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money.” To deny Europe is in severe financial difficulties shows a lack of economic understanding or an inability to grasp the facts. I say this as a conservative that corresponds with European friends on a regular basis and have enjoyed travel to Europe.

2:14 PM  

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