SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Progressive Ponderings: Inequities Disguised

by Joe Mayer

As the election season rushes to a close, neither candidates nor political parties mention the imperial ambitions of our wealthy citizens and our ungovernable corporations. We hear no concern over the military activities that absorb the lion’s share of our dwindling resources and financial treasure, and have the opposite effect of our stated objectives of “spreading democracy” and “building nations.”

The objective of empire has always been to control other peoples and their resources. The result is extreme inequality between the conquerors and the victims. Today we call this pauperized world the “Third World.” We fail to recognize that empire also has the effect of creating a domestic “Third World” within its own homeland.

Those who believe that the world’s riches are fair game for themselves do not respect national boundaries. They seek to privatize domestic national treasure as well. An economic system that produces gigantic wealth for the few, and far-reaching poverty for the masses, can’t exist in a nation that actually practices democracy. Economic inequality repels political equality.

A colossal amount of concentrated wealth creates and sustains “think tanks” dedicated to advance their objectives in patriotic-sounding organizations using deceptive language to hide their true intent. Today, mainstream media has become the mouthpiece of corporations and the wealthy, and are so effective that ordinary citizens mistakenly take up the cause against their own common good. Our government is used now as a means of transferring resources of the world — and of our nation — from the citizens to the wealthy.

Wealth and the power it accumulates are so influential that historically they have co-opted every religion they have encountered. The silence echoing from our various houses of worship is implicit in approving the exchange of human values for profit.

Our economic life depends upon the toils of each other. The corporate master inserts itself between our toil and its fruits. Wealth inserts itself ahead of the common good. Greed inserts itself ahead of human needs. Power inserts itself ahead of democracy of the people. The fruits of our labor subsidize corporations.

Elections are important but they won’t change much. If reality and truth aren’t part of the political agenda, then the status quo always wins. The main question isn’t on the agenda: Who will control our livelihood?


Blogger Tom said...

Joe - I can fire any corporation any day - I vote with my dollars. you can do the same and I encourage you to think for yourself and not feel so helpless. Strive for equality of opportunity, not outcome.

8:23 PM  

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