SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Climate Change Doubt Is Tea Party Article of Faith


JASPER, Ind. — At a candidate forum here last week, Representative Baron P. Hill, a threatened Democratic incumbent in a largely conservative southern Indiana district, was endeavoring to explain his unpopular vote for the House cap-and-trade energy bill.

It will create jobs in Indiana, reduce foreign oil imports and address global warming, Mr. Hill said at a debate with Todd Young, a novice Republican candidate who is supported by an array of Indiana Tea Party groups and is a climate change skeptic.

“Climate change is real, and man is causing it,” Mr. Hill said, echoing most climate scientists. “That is indisputable. And we have to do something about it.”

A rain of boos showered Mr. Hill, including a hearty growl from Norman Dennison, a 50-year-old electrician and founder of the Corydon Tea Party.

(More here.)


Blogger Luddhunter said...

Notice Broder totally straw-mans the climate skeptics by not mentioning any of the objections based on:
1. The temperature data fudging by East Anglia University
2. The debunking and discrediting of Al Gore's movie by the UK government and other science based analyses
3. The discrediting of the IPCC's predictions of mass melting of the Himalayas and other major ice masses.

Broder would like everyone to believe climate skepticism is completely mystical or ideological, when in fact adherence to AGW has been shown to be exactly that, since it's major proponents have not retreated in the face of such damning scientific corruption.

6:10 PM  

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