SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Election Day Foretold


You won! What a nice run of the House, with a big enough Republican cushion to free the more pumped-up partisans to hold investigations of Obama’s birth certificate. Let them throw steak scraps at the base, while the rest of you restore Wall Street, the insurance industry and Karl Rove to their rightful places in power.

Tough break about the Senate, though. If only you’d taken the sure Republican pickup in Delaware, instead of falling for the anti-masturbation-crusading, evolution-denying, witchcraft-dabbling innocent. No worry: Christine O’Donnell could not get elected dogcatcher, as the state Republican party chairman said, but she has a sure gig ahead on Fox News, where she will join every major Republican presidential candidate but Mitt Romney on their payroll.

Speaker-elect Boehner, take a bow. When health care passed, you warned of Armageddon. Now, bring it on. So many promises to keep.

But first, an apology to BP, this time without the retraction. As Congressman Joe Barton tried to say, he’s really sorry that BP is being forced to pay for the human and environmental costs of the biggest oil spill in American history. Your man Barton, a good Texan who’s received more money from the oil, coal and natural gas industry than just about any serving member of the House, is in line to become the next chairman of the committee that oversees energy. Mind you, he’s term-limited in that leadership role — in theory. Just get Boehner to bend the rules, and then gavel in the groveling, baby.

Next up, repeal the health care law. Tell those 20-something deadbeats living at home that they can no longer stay on their parents’ coverage. And give the all-clear signal to insurance companies. Whew. That was close.

(More here.)


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