SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Meg Whitman's Campaign Rocked With More Domestic Drama As Ex-Nanny Backs Up Housekeeper

The Huffington Post
Elyse Siegel
First Posted: 10- 5-10

Jill Armstrong, a former full-time nanny for Meg Whitman's family, came to the defense of another onetime member of the GOP gubernatorial candidate's household staff on Tuesday.

Nicky Diaz, who is Mexican and is not a citizen of the United States, recently charged that Whitman employed her as a housekeeper for nearly a decade despite knowing that she was in the country illegally.

While Whitman has strongly denied the allegations and has accused Democratic rival Jerry Brown of facilitating the controversy, Armstrong told the San Francisco Chronicle that she believes Diaz's claim because she "know[s] the family" and "what it was like."
"I set up her apartment. I did the unpacking," and other jobs to get the place ready for the children, Armstrong said.

But she described Whitman as "cheap" and said she was surprised when her boss at first balked at paying the agreed salary — arguing that Armstrong didn't "deserve" it because she wasn't yet working full-time as a nanny.
(More here.)


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