SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Seat Not Taken


AT least twice a week I ride Amtrak’s high-speed Acela train from my home in New York City to my teaching job in Providence, R.I. The route passes through a region of the country populated by, statistics tell us, a significant segment of its most educated, affluent, sophisticated and enlightened citizens.

Over the last four years, excluding summers, I have conducted a casual sociological experiment in which I am both participant and observer. It’s a survey I began not because I had some specific point to prove by gathering data to support it, but because I couldn’t avoid becoming aware of an obvious, disquieting truth.

Almost invariably, after I have hustled aboard early and occupied one half of a vacant double seat in the usually crowded quiet car, the empty place next to me will remain empty for the entire trip.

I’m a man of color, one of the few on the train and often the only one in the quiet car, and I’ve concluded that color explains a lot about my experience. Unless the car is nearly full, color will determine, even if it doesn’t exactly clarify, why 9 times out of 10 people will shun a free seat if it means sitting beside me.

(More here.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, the writer is a man, which may explain 50% of his observations. I am a man and every single time I have a choice I will sit next to a woman over a man. They are usually narrower, more pleasant, quieter on the phone, smell nicer and offer the chance of flirting. I imagine women prefer to sit next to women as well, for similar reasons (plus avoiding flirting instead of seeking it). The writer could have at least mentioned the sexism factor.

3:46 PM  

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