SMRs and AMRs

Friday, August 13, 2010

Spending Posts Now a Liability for Lawmakers


WASHINGTON — Membership on the Appropriations Committee used to be a first-class ticket to Congressional success, guaranteeing lucky lawmakers the ability to campaign on the federal money they had lavished on the folks back home. But the era of the appropriator appears to be on the wane.

In a treacherous political environment where cutting spending is the more potent message and earmarks can count as a black mark, serving on the House or Senate committee that doles out federal dollars can bring more punishment than prestige.

“It really has become a bit of a liability,” said Representative Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican who is a leading foe of the home-state projects known as earmarks.

Indeed, the power of the purse has already weighed down some lawmakers. Of six Congressional incumbents defeated in preliminary contests so far this year, four were veteran members of the appropriations panel who found themselves on the defensive. Before losing a fight for his party’s nomination, Senator Robert F. Bennett, Republican of Utah, came under withering attacks from conservatives for having the temerity to steer money to the perceived benefit of his constituents.

(More here.)


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