SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Republican Party Only Winning Key 2010 Poll In Southern States

The Huffington Post
Elyse Siegel
Posted: 08-12-10

Findings released in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll suggest that the Republican Party is very much a Southern regional white party in terms of the demographics of its supporters.

MSNBC relays the numbers:
The GOP has a HUGE generic-ballot edge in the South (52%-31%), but it doesn't lead anywhere else. In the Northeast, Dems have a 55%-30% edge; in the Midwest, they lead 49%-38%; and in the West, it's 44%-43%.
MSNBC notes that many of the races in which Republicans stand to make electoral gains are taking place in the South "where you have whiter and older voters," or in congressional districts with Southern-like constituencies.

Earlier this year, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele raised eyebrows when he suggested the GOP for decades has pursued a "'Southern Strategy' that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South."

(More here.)


Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

next week when Obama orders Freddie and Fannie to forgive hundreds of billions in mortgage principal due to the $800 billion in underwater mortgages in the Freddie/Fannie portfolios, these numbers will probably change.

Americans are already punch-drunk from bailout after bailout after bailout. Next week, when Obama orders Freddie and Fannie to forgive - not modify, but FORGIVE -mortgage principal on 15 million mortgages, it will be the mother lode of all bailouts thus far.

The Democrats are facing massive, if not historic losses, in November regardless of what this poll says. The only way Obama knows how to stave off political failure is to buy votes. The coming mortgage forgiveness will be the last ditch effort to save the Obama agenda from collapse in teh November mid-terms. The political calculation will be that the number of America who hold these underwater mortgages will be grateful will exceed the number of Americans who will be outraged at having to pay their own mortgages and pay for the mortgage woes of other Americans. To write down these 15 million mortgages will take hundreds of billions which will have to come from either more borrowing or tax increases. Either way, those who have paid their mortgages and never asked for a bailout and have done everything correctly in not over-leveraging their debt, will be forced to pay for the mortgage forgiveness plan.

It will be another naked attempt by Obama to buy votes and everyone knows Obama is a master at using the public money to bribe people to vote for him and his fellow Democrats. And it will represent yet another example of Obamanomics that we have seen over and over in the last 20 months - spend money we don't have now, run up the debt as high as you can, and hope that the momentary spike in good economic news will translate in to political success.

The only poll that matters is the poll on November 02. Obama, Pelosi and Reid will have dug the grave of the Obama Revolution by then.

9:44 PM  

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