SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Concern Over Centrists as G.O.P. Leans Right


WASHINGTON — The Republican field is nearly set in Congressional races, with primaries across the country producing a lineup of candidates that has steadily tilted to the right, a shift that is altering the dynamic — but not necessarily the outcome — of the midterm elections.

The slate of general election prospects includes fewer moderate Republicans than party leaders had imagined when they began recruiting candidates a year ago, and more backed by the Tea Party movement.

The results leave Republicans facing a critical question heading into the general election: Can the added enthusiasm of their conservative base for the insurgent candidates offset a potential loss of appeal to independent and centrist voters?

Senate primaries in Colorado and Connecticut on Tuesday, where the preferred choices of the Republican establishment lost, have given fresh hope to Democrats that Republicans may not be able to fully capitalize on a favorable political environment.

(More here.)


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