SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Second Great Betrayal: Obama and Cameron Decide that Banks are above the Law

Posted on December 17, 2012

By William K. Black

One of the “tells” that reveals how embarrassed Lanny Breuer (head of the Criminal Division) and Eric Holder (AG) are by the disgraceful refusal to prosecute HSBC and its officers for their tens of thousands of felonies are the false and misleading statements made by the Department of Justice (DOJ) about the settlement. The same pattern has been demonstrated by other writers in the case of the false and disingenuous statistics DOJ has trumpeted to attempt to disguise the abject failure of their efforts to prosecute the elite officers who directed the “epidemic” (FBI 2004) of mortgage fraud.

HSBC was one of the largest originators of fraudulent mortgage loans through its acquisition of Household Finance.

Three recent books by “insiders” have confirmed earlier articles revealing the decisive role that Treasury Secretary Geithner has played in opposing criminal prosecutions of the elite banksters and banks whose frauds drove the financial crisis and the Great Recession.

Bair, Sheila, Bull by the Horns: Fighting to Save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street from Itself (2012); Barofsky, Neil, Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street (2012); Connaughton, Jeff, The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins (2012).

(More here.)


Blogger Tom Koch said...

Mr. Black is on to something here and I hope he continues to beat the drum loudly. The government - wall street connection is too cozy and taxpayers are paying the price instead of the criminals.

A point of correction - Mr. Black mentions 'the SECOND great betrayal' which indicates that there are only two. As a taxpayer and a citizen, I can think of many more Obama betrayals....

12:15 PM  

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