SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bring in the buckmeisters

Lobbyists ready for a comeback under Romney

By: Anna Palmer
October 15, 2012 01:56 PM EDT

President Barack Obama’s gone further than any president to keep lobbyists out of the White House — even signing executive orders to do it.

But the mood on K Street is brightening.

Industry insiders believe that Mitt Romney will unshackle the revolving door and give lobbyists a shot at the government jobs their Democratic counterparts have been denied for the past four years, a dozen Republican lobbyists said in conversations with POLITICO.

"I've heard they are likely not to black ball anybody from any particular sector," said Republican lobbyist Sam Geduldig at Clark, Lytle & Geduldig. "I assume, everyone is welcome to apply. I'm sure they are interested in getting the best people possible."

(More here.)


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