SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Actions of a desperate candidate?

Mitt Romney won’t stop attacking

By: Roger Simon,
September 13, 2012 04:36 AM EDT

Mitt Romney must have ignored his fortune cookie: “When reaching for shiny object, make sure you are not standing on cliff.”

Recently, the Romney campaign dismissed foreign policy as a “shiny object,” a trifle, a mere bagatelle.

“It doesn’t surprise me that they’re raising foreign policy because it’s another distraction from the administration’s terrible economic record,” Robert O’Brien, a Romney foreign policy adviser, told BuzzFeed. “They’re going from one shiny object to the next.”

Then O’Brien, showing the Romney campaign’s ability to make boneheaded statements that would be hilarious if not so serious, laid out Romney’s foreign policy chops:

“The governor is an extraordinarily well-traveled businessman, he lived overseas as a young man, he speaks French, he understands the world and he’s written extensively about foreign policy and national security. The idea that he’s this naive guy at 65 years old, given his experience heading the Olympic Winter Games and everything else, I just don’t think that’s going to play.”

(More here.)


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