SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Santorum releases federal tax returns showing rise in wealth in 3 of 4 years

By Associated Press,
Published: February 15 | Updated: Thursday, February 16, 6:53 AM

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum released four years of federal income tax returns on Wednesday night, showing a sharp rise in his personal wealth spurred by his growing work as Washington-based corporate consultant and media commentator.

Santorum, 53, has sold himself in the Republican primaries as both a social conservative and a Washington outsider, stressing his family’s coal-mining background and his appeal to religious and working-class voters. His personal finances tell a different story, detailing the trajectory of a politician who grew more prosperous in the Senate and became a millionaire afterward, at times capitalizing on his Beltway connections.

The former Pennsylvania senator’s tax returns show that his annual income surged from nearly $660,000 in 2007 to $1.1 million in 2009 before slipping to $923,000 in 2010.

Santorum’s wealth doesn’t come close to the multimillion-dollar fortune amassed by Mitt Romney’s high-finance prowess or Newt Gingrich’s smaller but still-lucrative blend of foundation and consulting work. But his newfound affluence reflects his close ties to Washington’s business and lobbying circles during his 12 years in the Senate and his smooth transition into their world after he left office.

(More here.)


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