SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Xi Jinping visits Iowa, where the diplomatic equivalent of love is in the air

By William Wan,
Published: February 15

MUSCATINE, Iowa — Love is in the air in Iowa — or at least the diplomatic equivalent of it.

When Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping arrived in this small town late Wednesday, carefully chosen welcoming gifts were on hand, nostalgic remembrances were on everyone’s lips and hearts all around were ready for the wooing.

Officially speaking, Xi, who is expected to become China’s president next year, picked Iowa as the centerpiece of his U.S. tour because he visited here as a lowly provincial official in 1985 to learn about American agriculture.

But, more broadly, the town of Muscatine provides a convenient backdrop for Chinese officials hoping to emphasize the idea of an enduring U.S.-Chinese friendship at a time when the two nations are fierce economic competitors, policy opponents and military rivals.

(More here.)


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