SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, February 12, 2012

If corporations are people, can they be drowned in bathtubs?

Photo from Common Dreams

"If you’re conservative, you should be appalled that our Constitution has been perverted by the activist judges...."

Corporations are not people

Gaelan Brown
Vermont Times Argus

People are ensured inalienable or “God-given” rights such as freedom of speech, freedom from unwarranted search and the right to bear arms in our society because those rights are established in the Constitution of the United States.

Corporations existed back when the constitution was written, yet the word corporation is not mentioned even once in the document. Robots aren’t mentioned either. Corporations are built and run by people, just like robots. Can there be any way to interpret the founders’ intent as being supportive of the idea that corporations (or robots) have inalienable human rights?

You don’t have to be a constitutional scholar to see that the answer is clearly no. It doesn’t matter if you are conservative or liberal; this is just common sense folks. This is an issue where Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders agree, and one that should unite all Vermonters.

(Continued here.)



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