SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nattering nabobs of negativism

By Dana Milbank,
Published: February 10

“How many of you,” Scott Rasmussen asked the crowd at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, “have ever mocked or made fun of the president’s call for hope and change? Raise your hands.”

Most people in the Marriott Wardman Park hotel ballroom raised their hands. There were cheers and whoops.

“With all due respect,” the conservative pollster and commentator told them, “I’d like to say that’s really stupid.”

This time, there was uncomfortable laughter. “Voters are looking for hope and change as much today as they were in 2008,” Rasmussen explained, and “you ought to be encouraging Republican candidates, people you support, to offer that positive step forward.”

(More here.)


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