SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Climate change: Wall Street Journal (again) tells it like it isn't

Remarkable Editorial Bias on Climate Science at the Wall Street Journal

by Peter Gleick

The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board has long been understood to be not only antagonistic to the facts of climate science, but hostile. But in a remarkable example of their unabashed bias, on Friday they published an opinion piece that not only repeats many of the flawed and misleading arguments about climate science, but purports to be of special significance because it was signed by 16 “scientists.”

Serious doubt has been cast on the actual expertise on climate science of the signers and on the accuracy of the content, here and elsewhere, and the strawman arguments and technical flaws of their opinion piece are evident to anyone actually versed in the scientific debate. For example, their op-ed has fundamental errors about recent actual temperatures, they use false/strawman arguments that climate scientists are saying climate change “will destroy civilization,” they launch ad hominem attack on particular climate scientists using out-of-context quotes, and so on. Formal responses are in the works, and will be available from a variety of groups in the next day or so. [Just as an example, as pointed out here previously, and at the Union of Concerned Scientists: the authors claim there has been a “lack of warming” for 10 years. The reality? 2011 was the 35th year in a row in which global temperatures were above the historical average and 2010 and 2005 were the warmest years on record.]

(Continued here.)

The Wall Street Journal op-ed in question: "No Need to Panic About Global Warming"

Article by 255 climate scientists that was rejected by the Wall Street Journal: "Climate Change and the Integrity of Science"

Other relevant articles:

"2011 Climate Change in Pictures and Data: Just the Facts"

"Wall Street Journal rapped over climate change stance"

"Wall Street Journal attacked over climate change denial"



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