SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Where Are the Liberals?


Why aren’t there more liberals in America?

It’s not because liberalism lacks cultural power. Many polls suggest that a majority of college professors and national journalists vote Democratic. The movie, TV, music and publishing industries are dominated by liberals.

It’s not because recent events have disproved the liberal worldview. On the contrary, we’re still recovering from a financial crisis caused, in large measure, by Wall Street excess. Corporate profits are zooming while worker salaries are flat.

It’s not because liberalism’s opponents are going from strength to strength. The Republican Party is unpopular and sometimes embarrassing.

(More here.)


Blogger Tom Koch said...

Brooks and Dempsey are using outdated word and as we all know, words have meaning. Liberals crapped in their own nest and now wish to be known as progressives. I suppose I must be regressive since I slip up on ocassion and still use the term liberal. My bad.

8:32 PM  

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