SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Florida Man Charged With Plotting Terror Campaign in Name of Islam


ATLANTA — A Florida man was charged with plotting a terrorist spree around Tampa, including bombing nightclubs, destroying bridges and shooting police officers in the name of radical Islam, federal authorities said Monday.

The man, Sami Osmakac, 25, an American citizen born in the former Yugoslavia, planned to use firearms and explosives that he had bought from an undercover F.B.I. agent, the authorities said. He was arrested Saturday after months of surveillance by the F.B.I.

Shortly before his arrest, Mr. Osmakac made a video of himself, seated cross-legged on the floor with a pistol in his hand and an AK-47 behind him. He said he was willing to die to avenge Muslim deaths.

“We all have to die. So why not die the Islamic way?” he asked, according to a 14-page complaint released by the United States attorney’s office in Tampa.

Authorities did not indicate whether Mr. Osmakac had acted in collaboration with any terrorist group.

(More here.)


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