SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, January 08, 2012

No-holds barred Newt

By: Ginger Gibson
January 8, 2012 07:37 PM EST

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Newt Gingrich isn’t going down without a fight.

The former House speaker fell from the top spot in the polls and is still trying to find his footing after a fourth place showing in Iowa last week and the likelihood of a third place finish at best in New Hampshire on Tuesday. But rather than scaling back, he spent the weekend slashing at Mitt Romney with some of his strongest language yet.

Romney is hoping to bounce off a win in New Hampshire to wrap-up the nomination early. But even if the primaries continue going in his favor, he is facing the prospect of a drawn-out campaign kept going by a candidate who’s made clear he has no love for the front-runner and who’s skilled both at drawing blood and getting people to pay attention as he does.

On the trail and in the pair of debates, Gingrich laid out a multi-prong argument: Romney’s got a liberal record, he’s a career politician—just not a successful one— and his Bain Capital background is unsavory. Romney hasn’t been straightforward about any of it, Gingrich said.

Gingrich says Romney is an elitist, probably unelectable and a liar.

(More here.)


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