SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Fact checking the ABC News and ‘Meet the Press' debates

By Glenn Kessler,
Published: January 8

Boy, three- and-a- half hours of debates to check this weekend! The candidates were up to their usual tricks and so the list of suspect statements is long and varied. We will go through them quickly, in the order the statements were made, beginning with the ABC News/Yahoo debate on Saturday night. After that, we tackle the Meet the Press/Facebook debate from Sunday morning. As always, we may take a deeper look at some assertions later in the week, such as the strange case of the dump in Nashville.


“But in the business I had, we invested in over 100 different businesses and net-net, taking out the ones where we lost jobs and those that we added, those businesses have now added over 100,000 jobs.” — Mitt Romney
Last week, when Romney mentioned this statistic, his campaign said the 100,000 figure was based on the number of employees at three companies with which Bain Capital was involved.

(More here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

FYI the link is here ... as usual, FactCheck is an indispensable source for voters ... heck, they even told us about Newt Gingrich's flat feet.

And ya gotta love the new spin ... Romney now says that the investments that Bain made in the companies that they bought eventually generated 100,000 jobs ... so by that thinking, at some point won't Republicans just have to acknowledge that Obama created jobs too.

6:12 AM  

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