SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, January 29, 2012

McManus: A Gingrich presidency?

It would be just like its chief: Noisy, combative and prone to self-generated crises.

Doyle McManus
LA Times
January 29, 2012

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote that if Mitt Romney won the South Carolina primary, the Republican presidential race would be over and he would be the nominee. But Romney didn't win, and that means it's time to consider the unthinkable: What would life under President Gingrich be like?

It's an easy question to answer because Gingrich has spent much of his campaign listing all the things he wants to do — not only in his first term or his first 100 days but in his first eight hours.

A Gingrich presidency would be just like its chief: noisy, combative and prone to self-generated crises.

But don't take my word for it. Let's allow President Gingrich to describe his first day in the White House in his own words.

"Our goal would be, by the time President Obama lands in Chicago, to have dismantled about 40% of his government," Gingrich said recently.

(More here.)


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