SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Is Romney damaged?

David Gergen

Charleston, South Carolina (CNN) -- The cloak of inevitability that Mitt Romney has been wearing -- on again, off again -- is suddenly and dramatically off again. Just as he seemed poised to wrap up the GOP nomination in South Carolina, Romney has been hit with a triple dose of bad news:

• Newt Gingrich has been surging among South Carolina voters. His strong debate performance Monday night, coupled with Romney's clumsy responses on his taxes, allowed Gingrich to move up swiftly. This week's CNN/Time/ORC International poll showed Gingrich cutting the Romney lead, and three polls Thursday morning have Gingrich modestly ahead in the state.

• Rick Perry, in bowing out Thursday, gave a full-throated endorsement of Gingrich. Perry commanded little support in South Carolina, but his departure 48 hours before voting starts will inject fresh energy into the Gingrich campaign.

• Iowa has now released its final count from its caucuses showing that lo and behold, Rick Santorum has the most votes -- only a 34-vote difference but enough to give Santorum fresh bragging rights. (Many will always wonder how the trajectory might have changed had Santorum been declared the victor on caucus night.)

(More here.)


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