SMRs and AMRs

Friday, December 09, 2011

Race to the Bottom

NYT editorial

Campaign ads are often deceitful, offensive or infuriating, cynically exploiting religion or families and distorting an opponent’s record. The latest ones from the Republican primary, however, are so brazen and the politicians so unapologetic that it is only bound to get worse.

A new ad from Gov. Rick Perry, to use the latest example, will test anyone who thinks they can no longer be affronted by a political hustle. It begins with Mr. Perry telling the camera that he’s not ashamed to admit he’s a Christian. Are there Christian candidates who are ashamed of it? None come to mind. Perhaps, like some of his supporters, he’s trying to remind evangelical voters that he is not a Mormon, unlike two other Republican candidates. Or perhaps he’s referring to President Obama who does not parade his religious beliefs on a signboard.

Then his answer becomes clear: Raising a fist, he promises to fight “liberal attacks on our religious heritage.” And what are those supposed attacks? Letting gays serve openly in the military, and prohibiting children from openly celebrating Christmas. The first was one of Mr. Obama’s most significant civil rights accomplishments; the second is a right-wing fantasy that has nothing to do with the president or anyone else. Both are part of what he calls “Obama’s war on religion,” an outrageous lie.

Then there’s Mitt Romney, who released an ad this week that trumpets his fidelity to his wife and his family (an implicit contrast to Newt Gingrich), ending with a little routine he never tires of using: “I will never apologize for the United States of America.” That’s meant to suggest that Mr. Obama does when, in fact, he never has.

(More here.)


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