SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So, how's public opinion of Congress these days? According to Gallup, the public remains awfully unhappy.

From DailyKos

So, how's public opinion of Congress these days? According to Gallup, the public remains awfully unhappy.
Americans' evaluation of the job Congress is doing is the worst Gallup has ever measured, with 13% approving, tying the all-time low measured in December 2010. Disapproval of Congress is at 84%, a percentage point higher than last December's previous high rating.

Now, you don't get to these numbers without both parties being pissed off.
Independents are currently the most critical of Congress, with 9% approving and 86% disapproving. Republicans and Democrats give Congress slightly higher, but still overwhelmingly negative, marks.

Independents' current 9% approval rating of Congress is the lowest Gallup has measured for that group. The prior low was 13% on several occasions, most recently in December 2010.
(Original here.)


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