Obama in Close Race Against Romney, Perry, Bachmann, Paul
Romney has slight edge over Obama, Bachmann slightly lags
by Frank Newport
PRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama is closely matched against each of four possible Republican opponents when registered voters are asked whom they would support if the 2012 presidential election were held today. Mitt Romney leads Obama by two percentage points, 48% to 46%, Rick Perry and Obama are tied at 47%, and Obama edges out Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann by two and four points, respectively.
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by Frank Newport
PRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama is closely matched against each of four possible Republican opponents when registered voters are asked whom they would support if the 2012 presidential election were held today. Mitt Romney leads Obama by two percentage points, 48% to 46%, Rick Perry and Obama are tied at 47%, and Obama edges out Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann by two and four points, respectively.
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What does this say considering that Romney, Perry, Bachmann and Paul are ridiculed on a regular basis, sometimes rightly so, in the "mainstream" media?
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