SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Where the Spending Cuts Go

Paul Krugman's blog

I think it might be helpful to have a quick picture that illustrates what’s going on in the Ryan budget proposal. Here’s what we get for 2030, according to the CBO analysis.

Ryan is proposing huge (and largely unspecified) spending cuts; but he’s also proposing very large tax cuts, mainly, of course, for those with high incomes. And as you can see, a large part — roughly half — of the spending cuts are going, not to deficit reduction, but to finance those tax cuts.

Actually, it’s even worse, since the revenue figure in the Ryan plan is simply assumed, and is clearly too high given what he’s actually proposing on taxes; so either the fall in revenue will be even larger than shown here, or there will be unspecified tax hikes on the middle class.

In any case, the bottom line is obvious: this is not the budget of a deficit hawk. It’s the budget of a deficit exploiter, someone who is trying to use fears of red ink to push through a political agenda that includes major losses of revenue.


Blogger Tom said...

Krugman would do well to spend more time focusing on where we will be as a country if we do not have spending cuts instead of his armchair quarterbacking. Obama called for a bi-partisan debt commission and rightfully so. Has any liberal come out with a plan that is closer to the debt commission’s recommendations than Paul Ryan? Come to think of it, did the Democratic controlled Congress even pass a budget the last year they were in power?

5:16 PM  

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