SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The Koch Klan: They claim to be anti-government but government has been very, very good to them

Koch’s web of influence

Koch spends tens of millions trying to shape federal policies that affect their global business empire

By John Aloysius Farrell
April 06, 2011
Center for Public Integrity

At an EPA hearing last summer, representatives from Koch Industries argued that moderate levels of the toxic chemical dioxin should not be designated as a cancer risk for humans.

When members of Congress sought higher security at chemical plants to guard against terrorist attacks, Koch Industries lobbyists prowled Capitol Hill to voice their opposition.

And when Congress moved to strengthen regulation of the financial markets after recent collapses, Koch Industries — a major commodities and derivatives trader — deployed a phalanx of lobbyists to resist proposed changes.

Charles and David Koch, the owners of the country’s second-largest private corporation, are libertarians of long standing, who contend that government regulations, taxes and subsidies stifle individual initiative and hamper American competitiveness. In recent years, the Kochs have played an increasingly public role as financial angels for conservative causes, politicians and foundations

(More here.)


Blogger Tom said...

When will Vox Verax show a similar interest in George Soros? What is the Latin phrase for “The Half-Truth?”

5:19 PM  

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