SMRs and AMRs

Friday, November 05, 2010

What Now? An Epic Election Meets the Future

By Marc Ambinder
The Atlantic

So now what?

We'll hear from President Obama at a press conference today and then on 60 Minutes, Sunday. Expect humility, determination and no hint of "moving toward the center." Work together, times are tough, too much rancor in Washington, etc.

And then -- the country will meet the new personalities in charge. John Boehner, comfortable as a leather glove and skin texture to match, a country-club Republican who has humble beginnings. Eric Cantor, who won't escape the casual racism of being referred to as the "first Jewish majority leader," will appear as the voice of policy and conciliation.

Most of the White House policy apparatus is focused on the trip to Asia, and Obama might drop in a few forward-looking hints about how he views his job antebellum. He wants to double American exports in the next five years. He's visiting Asia, where he'll talk about mutual interdependence and put on his America Works hat. Obama will be surrounded by themes and images of business and industry as he visits Mumbai, South Korea (for a G20 summit) and then the special country of Indonesia, where the Secret Service has to worry about whether it can fit "The Beast" -- his limousine -- through the narrow roads of Jakarta.

Privately, White House officials hope that Republicans immediately adopt a celebratory, no-compromise, "we're back!" posture, and hope that they don't take the advice of Sen. Mitch McConnell, who will call the election a mere "course correction." Before or after Asia, he is almost certain to invite the new leaders of Congress to the White House, or to Camp David. There will be private meetings and a public photo op. Message: It's easy to say no, guys, but now this big pile of problems is on you, too.

(More here.)


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