SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Political Funds Remain an Asset for Many Ex-Lawmakers


WASHINGTON — Henry Bonilla, a Texas Republican and former member of Congress, has tapped into his political piggy bank to fly around the United States, eat at some of San Antonio’s finest restaurants and to cover bills at luxury hotels like The Breakers in Palm Beach, Fla.

Former Representative Charles H. Taylor has used his leftover political account to host an annual Christmas party at a resort near his North Carolina home.

And friends of John P. Murtha, the once-powerful House military appropriator who died this year, spent much of the balance in his political account earlier this year to hold a goodbye tribute dinner at the Army Navy Country Club in his honor.

This spending on meals and luxury hotel stays reflects a little-known loophole in campaign finance laws, one that will likely draw scrutiny as a remarkable wave of lawmakers leave in retirement or in defeat: Former members are largely free to spend the money left over in their political action committees however they choose.

(More here.)


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