SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, November 06, 2010

He Saw Trouble Coming. Now He Sees It Going.


ARE we finally coming out of the woods, economically speaking?

Two data points from last week seemed to indicate an upswing ahead. October’s employment figures rose more than economists had expected, and the stock market clawed its way back to levels last reached just before the calamitous events of fall 2008.

But positive indicators can and do disappoint, so I decided to consult an expert on these matters: Ian Shepherdson, chief United States economist at High Frequency Economics. As a reader of economic tea leaves over the last five turbulent years, Mr. Shepherdson has a darn good record. For instance, unlike the throng of economists who failed to see the housing crisis coming, Mr. Shepherdson warned his clients in fall 2005 that real estate would crash and a recession would ensue.

He was early, of course, and now acknowledges that he was not nearly emphatic enough in his warnings. But he was fundamentally right back then and has been consistently on target since. So, I am happy to report that he sees the beginnings of a turn in the economy that could translate to a rise in gross domestic product growth and an improving employment picture in the second half of 2011.

(More here.)


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