SMRs and AMRs

Friday, October 15, 2010

Republican Global Warming Deniers Funded By Energy Industry

Lucia Graves
First Posted: 10-14-10

Pennsylvania Senate candidate Pat Toomey drew headlines when he said in a local radio interview on Friday, that the degree to which human activity is to blame for global warming is being "very much disputed" and "debated."

It's not the first time he's made the argument.

"There is much debate in the scientific community as to the precise sources of global warming," Toomey claimed in June.

HuffPost found Toomey's top contributors include oil and coal giants Koch Industries ($15,000) and Murray Energy ($16,655). Those are the top two contributors of climate change skeptic Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) who received $45,500 and $30,600 from those companies respectively.

Inhofe attracted national attention during the record-breaking snowfall in Washington in February when he built an igloo outside the Capitol with a sign on it that read: "Al Gore's Home. Honk If You Like Global Warming." And for years now, Inhofe has insisted that global warming doesn't exist, deeming it "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."

(More here.)


Blogger Dan Pangburn said...

I am a licensed Mechanical Engineer and a Republican. I have done unpaid research on climate for thousands of hours. I derived an equation that calculates the average global temperature trends since 1895 with 88% accuracy. See the results and how they are derived at

3:17 AM  
Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

Mr Pangburn, you are a shill for the oil industry. Because you haven't read James Hansen's book - or even if you have, if you don't lockstep endorse the conclusions therein - your opinion simply does not count. Just ask Vox Verax. I have tried for years in this forum, in vain, to argue a point of view contrary to the hegemony of the global warming/climate change advocates at Vox Verax. There is no level of objective counter arguement that Vox Verax editors would even remotely consider as valid. You will be scorned, told how wrong you are, and you will be emailed an avalanche of data supporting their philosophies. Be careful for publishing such controversial data as actual temperature measurements and the trends you found. Never mind that you are a licensed mechanical engineer. You couldn't possibly measure up against the experts in climate science at Vox Verax. So, I'm just telling you 'nice try', but your conclusions will be dismissed since you don't comport with the prevailing philosophy whether or not that philosophy is true or not. Truth does not matter to fanatics like the global warming/climate change crowd. What matters is the truth as they see it...just ask Vox Verax!

10:46 PM  

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