SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The O'Donnell-Coons debate and survival of the fittest

By Dana Milbank
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Were she still a witch, Christine O'Donnell no doubt would have put a hex on Wolf Blitzer then and there.

The CNN host, moderating the long awaited Delaware senatorial debate Wednesday night, was trying to get the Republican nominee to talk about her 1998 statement on the Bill Maher show that "evolution is a myth."

"Do you believe evolution is a myth?" Blitzer asked.

"I believe that the local ... " O'Donnell began, then started anew. "I was talking about what a local school taught, and that should be taught, that should be decided on the local community."

"Do you believe evolution is a myth?" the moderator repeated.

(More here.)


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