SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A sadder but wiser Axelrod packs his bags

By Dana Milbank
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It was, perhaps, inevitable: Twenty months in Washington, and David Axelrod has caught the bug.

This startling revelation occurred Monday afternoon, in a webcast interview with Politico's Mike Allen, who noticed that President Obama's chief strategist was "looking trim" and asked Axelrod his secret.

"Well, the real secret," the newly lanky Axelrod explained, is "the first day I went on vacation I got sick and I learned I had a parasite."

Oh, no! Was it a lobbyist? A defense contractor? One of those nasty social climbers?

"I want to make clear," Axelrod continued, "that this happened outside of Washington. This is not a commentary on Washington that I have a parasite."

(More here.)


Blogger Tom said...

The rats are leaving the ship and heading back to the swamps of Chicago. I wonder if anyone has checked on the economic and social health of Chicago? It must be stellar given the liberal leadership it has received for the past several decades....

6:56 AM  

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