SMRs and AMRs

Monday, September 27, 2010

Why the Democrats' Response to the Pledge Has Been Inadequate

Monday 27 September 2010
by: George Lakoff,
t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

The Democratic response to the Republican Pledge to America has been factual about its economics. The September 26, 2010, Sunday New York Times' editorial goes through the economic details, and Democrats have been citing the economic facts from the Congressional Budget Office. As Dan Pfeiffer reports on the White House blog, the Republicans are proposing:

  • Tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires by borrowing $700 billion we can't afford;
  • Tax hikes for 110 million middle-class families and millions of small businesses;
  • Cutting rules and oversight for special interests like big oil, big insurance, credit card and mortgage companies and Wall Street banks;
  • Doing nothing to stop the outsourcing of American jobs or to end tax breaks that are given to companies that ship jobs overseas;
  • All while adding trillions to our nation's deficit.

(More here.)


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