SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Money Well Spent

Eric Alterman
September 9, 2010
This article appeared in the September 27, 2010 edition of The Nation.

Jane Mayer's New Yorker profile of Charles and David Koch reveals a decades-long investment of many hundreds of millions of dollars to achieve a single goal. The billionaire oilmen sought to "bring about social change" to advance what Charles Koch calls their "radical philosophy." To make this happen, they've adopted a "vertically and horizontally integrated" strategy "from idea creation to policy development to education to grassroots organizations to lobbying to litigation to political action."

How radical? When, in 1980, David Koch ran for vice president on the Libertarian Party ticket—a race he also funded—his platform called for the abolition of Social Security, minimum-wage laws, gun control, all personal and corporate income taxes and much else. A worried William F. Buckley Jr. called it "Anarcho-Totalitarianism."

What the Kochs were doing, as Mayer astutely notes, is implementing the strategy originally laid out by Lewis Powell's now infamous 1971 memo to the director of the US Chamber of Commerce, by which the political culture of the United States would be transformed on behalf of individuals and corporations of great wealth. The primary obstacle Powell identified was not the remnants of the late-'60s antiwar and civil rights movements, which were both in the process of disintegration. Rather, they sought to undermine the "respectable elements of society" and replace them with people like themselves.

(More here.)


Blogger Tom said...

Just so I understand, conservatives cannot spend their money as they wish but Soros can? Interesting, I thought liberals were the ones who preached tolerance.

6:02 PM  
Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

Tom, liberals preach tolerance but practice conformity.

9:55 PM  

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