SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tax Wars

Washington Is Bracing for a Historic Battle Over U.S. Tax Law. Here's What You Should Do Now


Not since the Great Depression has Congress had so much tax work to do in so little time.

Congress will have to tackle a mountain of tax decisions in the coming weeks. Laura Saunders joins the News Hub to discuss how American taxpayers can effectively plan to deal with the uncertainty surrounding the future of those taxes.

From the income tax to the estate tax, from the alternative minimum tax to levies on capital gains and dividends—plus much more—nearly every area of individual taxes is in limbo. Come January, for example, the top federal rate on dividends could be as low as 15% or, if nothing is done, as high as 40%.

It gets worse: Lawmakers have only four weeks to tackle these massive issues before Columbus Day, when they adjourn until November. During these weeks, each party will be looking for opportunities to make political theater ahead of the coming elections. The drama will likely slow things further, especially in the Senate, where lately it has been tough to muster a filibuster-proof 60 votes for any measure more controversial than a flag raising.

This past week, President Obama gave a barnstorming speech in favor of dropping the 2001 tax cuts for those making more than $250,000, and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R, Ohio) countered with a proposal to extend them for all taxpayers for two years.

(More here.)


Blogger Tom said...

If Obama was serious about tax 'reform' and restoring trust and credibility he would start by asking the 41 officials in his own administration to pay their $831,000 in back taxes (as reported in LA Times).

6:07 PM  

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