SMRs and AMRs

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sharron Angle's angry 1993 letter to Harry Reid

God bless Sharron Angle, for being, like Rand Paul, a nutty letter-writer. In 1993, Bill Clinton's budget raised taxes on the highest earners, and Sharron Angle was among those who thought that would basically destroy America, forever. So she wrote a wonderful letter to Senator Harry Reid about it.
"I and the majority of my fellow Nevadans are sickened by the passage of the recent huge tax increase bill. With YOUR help the quality of life in America has taken another step into the pit of economic collapse. Clinton's mother-of-all tax packages is the world's biggest tax increase ever. It increases government spending by $300 billion, increases the national debt by $1 trillion, it is retroactive to January 1, and probably the most offensive, it schedules 80 percent of the promised spending cuts to take place after the next Presidential election. What a joke, and not a very funny one at that!

"Under your new bill, I and the rest of us (including my children and yours) will work from January 1 until July 31 to cover our tax liability. How much more can you suck out of the taxpayers before everything collapses? It is evident that you have caved in with our President and the rest of those tax-and-spenders in Washington that voted for this disgrace.

"The answer to this mess is clear. STOP FUNDING THE WASTEFUL SOCIAL AND ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS. MAKE THE DIFFICULT CHOICES THAT WILL KEEP OUR COUNTRY STRONG. THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO! I beg you not to support taxpayer funded national health care which is the next hit we are in line for. I also request that you end the spending (of) tax dollars to support pornography and perversion through continuing grants from the National Emdowment for the Arts.
(Continued here.)


Blogger Tom said...

Would the author propose that our level of deficit spending is appropriate? That would be hysteria...

12:47 PM  

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