SMRs and AMRs

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hot GOP Chicks

By Adam Weinstein
Tue Aug. 17, 2010 5:11 PM PDT
Mother Jones

Hey, remember when the Republicans ran a lady for vice president, and complained about the "sexism!" heaped on her by Democratic women? Remember how the GOP claimed to flood the zone with female candidates, purported to be the real feminists defending womankind against horrible liberalism, and decreed 2010 to be the year of the "mama grizzly"?

Their bad! It was all a ploy to score hot chicks, and to leave the dregs for those boner commies on the left. Ha ha, yeah bro! High-five it! Pass me one of them Bud Light Limes!

Yes, it's true: Comes information that the Minnesota state GOP*, which insists that you take Rep. Michele Bachmann and this guy seriously, put its true womanly feelings on YouTube. Shorter version: GOP babes are BABES with Tom Jones' endorsement...and Dem womyn are ugly fat butch dog lesbians, especially when you Photoshop them onto pictures of hairy Arab detainees and other man bodies! Note: That is not me exaggerating with cynical lefty hyperbole. Please, for the love of all that's holy and sacred, watch this video in its entirety....

(More here. NOTE: We originally posted the video, but it was blocked based on copyright laws.)


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