SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Poll: McCain Unpopular Back Home In Arizona

Eric Kleefeld
April 28, 2010

A new survey of Arizona by Public Policy Polling (D) finds that Sen. John McCain's approval rating has plummeted in his home state, a year and half since he won it in the 2008 presidential election. However, the GOP would still be much worse off if McCain lost his Republican primary against former Rep. J.D. Hayworth.

McCain's approval rating is only 34%, with 55% disapproval. Back in September, when the last PPP numbers from Arizona were taken, McCain was in positive territory at 48%-42%.

McCain's approval among Republicans is only 48%-39%, with a much lower 28%-58% among independents, and 21%-71% with Democrats.

The poll also finds that McCain has lost his independent, "maverick" image. Respondents were asked: "Would you describe John McCain more as an independent voice for Arizona or a partisan voice for national Republicans?" The result was independent voice 28%, partisan national Republican voice 55%.

(More here.)


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