SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, November 08, 2009

A recommended resource on climate change from American Public Media's Marketplace

The Climate Race

How global warming is already affecting us and the tough choices we have to make
We are now decades, perhaps years, away from the greatest economic transformation human beings have ever seen. Society's response to climate change — whether active now or reactive later — will affect every aspect of life on Earth. But whether this is a terrific opportunity or a tragedy in the making depends a lot on who you ask.

The science is clear: the Earth's climate is changing because of the massive amounts of pollution that come from many human activities — such as the burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal, and the destruction of forests for agriculture. We're already starting to feel the effects of those changes and the situation could get very bad for life on the planet.

But climate change is also solvable.

As the United States and other nations take up domestic and international action this fall, the special interests and activists on all sides of the issue are making their cases. Science is telling us what's necessary. Politics is figuring out what's possible.

In other words, the climate race is on — and whether we, as a nation, as a global civilization, win or lose is still very much in play.

J.J. Yore
Executive Producer, Marketplace
LP NOTE: Too often business news is covered from the Wall Street Journal/Forbes/U.S. Chamber of Commerce "profits first" point of view. Marketplace continually offers a more wholistic focus on business and how it interacts with the planet and our daily lives.

This series is an excellent resource on climate change effects both present and future. Includes a list a ten basic resources everyone should read.

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Anonymous Clay Barham said...

Obama’s leftward march is assured in 2012, according to Hollywood. The Rousseau-Marx coalition believes the emotions of the populace will rule in 2012, more than it did in 2008. It cannot be left to chance, however. The movie 2012 will circulate for a couple of years, plus the dire threats of climate change and supported by a few more big movie scares focused on why we need our new Messiah, Obama, and his ruling elite, reelected and in control in times of great need. If they can drive each of us into an emotion-driven herd of frightened animals, like those who stormed the Bastille or, out of irrational fear, hang those they do not understand, then they will have won. Their enemy is reason, plain and simple individual reason, what they claim is libertarian extremism, the Thomas Jefferson way. After all, individual freedom is what the left fears most and must defeat, with the help of Hollywood and media propagandists. Individual freedom is what made America stand above all nations in progress and prosperity. Obama can only win again if he can reduce Americans, for the most part, into a frightened herd, as he does with health care and climate change.

9:55 AM  

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