SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, February 28, 2009

O'Reilly and Beck joke about torturing people they don't like

By David Neiwert

Whenever Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly get together, a new black hole of wingnuttery opens up in the time-space continuum. This could eventually prove to be unhealthy for human existence.

Take last night for example:

O'Reilly: There's got to be a reason why Feinstein and Pelosi and Leahy and all these far-left loons want to do damage to the country. This hurts the United States. Al Qaeda -- you know who the happiest people in the world are on a CIA investigation? Al Qaeda. They're the happiest people. Let's find out what the CIA's up to. Who does it help? It helps Al Qaeda.

Beck: Are you saying that -- Wait a minute, are you saying that these guys might be un-American?

O'Reilly: I'm not saying un-American. I would never say that. I'm saying misguided severely. And maybe should be tortured.

Beck: [Laughs] Who gets to do that?

O'Reilly: We'll play them your show. For them? That would be really torture.

(More here, with video.)


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