SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Bristol Stomp

James Wolcott
Vanity Fair blog

Say what you will about Al and Peggy Bundy, slovenly occupying the sofa lo those many seasons on Married with Children, but they negligently raised a fine, slutty, airhead, bare-midriff daughter--I speak of course of Christina Applegate's divine Kelly--who managed to make it through her teen years without a baby in tow. Which is more than can be said for the unfortunate daughter of the Republican Party's poster mom for abstinence only.

Jake Tapper asks: "What would the response be if Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, and his wife Michelle had a pregnant unmarried teenage daughter?"

I can answer that. Mona Charen, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin would sprout bat wings and fangs and start divebombing, Peggy Noonan would issue a pained sigh that would ruffle nun's robes from here to Hoboken, Laura Ingraham and Bill Bennett would engage in a finger-wagging contest to condemn our loose licentious liberal culture, and Jennifer Rubin at Commentary's Contentions would crash into the wall doing cartwheels.

According to Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs (no link), it's actually Annie Lebowitz's fault that Palin's daughter went astray, something to do with the tarting up of Miley Cyrus in Vanity Fair. Conservatives used to make fun of liberals for blaming everything on "society" ("It's society's fault that so many young men turn to crime"), but "the culture" has become their default setting for culpability. Practice what you preach doesn't seem to have occured to them.

(Continued here.)


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