SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Obama says DNC won't take money from lobbyists, PACs

The candidate seeks to emphasize his differences with McCain. He says the Democratic National Committee's policy will keep 'special interests' from influencing healthcare and other issues.
By Johanna Neuman
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

June 5, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Barack Obama, campaigning on a platform of bringing change to Washington, announced today that the Democratic National Committee will no longer accept contributions from registered lobbyists or political action committees.

Seeking to underscore a contrast with Republican John McCain, whose campaign has suffered departures by several top advisors because of their ties to lobbying, Obama said that as the Democratic Party's nominee he will make sure that "special interests" are not allowed to derail healthcare reform and other policies initiatives.

"We will not take a dime from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs," he said. "They will not fund our campaign, they will not run our party, they will not drown out the voices of the American people."

Pledging to reform healthcare, Obama faulted McCain for a plan "to only take care of the healthy and the wealthy." Obama said the McCain approach "won't make healthcare affordable to hard-working Americans and could actually drive up costs."

Obama also blamed drug and insurance companies for blocking healthcare reform, and said his policy of shunning lobbyist contributions will ensure that "this time must be different."

(Continued here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

I am confused. How does the DNC not taking money work when the Boston Globe story that is also posted stated the corporations that were "donating" monies for the Party's convention in Denver ?

Does this mean that all the PACs (like the IBEW that has already given $15,000 to the DNC) should expect a refurnd ?

Obama may have good intentions, but somehow influence will happen ... see The Hill story above about the 527s that are planning to spend big time.

9:45 PM  

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