SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Listen up, Michele Bachmann: Compact fluorescent bulbs to become cleaner

Lighting an Efficient Future, Minus the Mercury

by Ben Block on May 30, 2008

More and more countries are banning incandescent light bulbs in favor of energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps, or CFLs. But options to recycle the mercury-laden alternatives are often scarce.

A variety of European Union recycling regulations make it unlawful for EU residents to dispose of CFLs in the trash. In the United States, some states are following suit, though most localities rely on consumers to voluntarily mail the bulbs back to manufacturers for recycling. In developing countries, recycling is less available, and proper landfills often do not even exist in the event that the bulbs are discarded as trash.

To reduce hazardous waste at its source, leading CFL manufacturers have committed to reduce the mercury content of their products. Martin Goetzeler, CEO of Munich-based Osram, said his company aims to cut the mercury content of its CFLs by half in the coming years. "It should be part of any new technology that hazardous substances are regulated," he said. "And we should use the lowest levels [of toxins]."

CFLs presently contain between 2.5 and 3 milligrams of mercury, which Osram will reduce to between 1.3 and 1.8 milligrams, Goetzeler said Wednesday during a talk organized by the Worldwatch Institute.

(More here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

Xedia Technologies offers a compact flourescent bulb that actually looks like a standard light bulb called the XBulb.

The XBulb uses 80% less electricity, cuts EMF by up to 85%, and generates less heat, and is also the only compact flourescent bulb without mercury.

I wrote about this in March when Bachmann announced her legislation.

7:40 AM  

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