SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, April 10, 2008

So, who has the media edge?

By Todd Domke
Boston Globe

TWO MEDIA DARLINGS are likely to soon face off - John McCain and Barack Obama.

But, torn between two lovers, who will the media favor?

Most reporters will vote for Obama, but will they slant their coverage for him? They didn't do much for Al Gore or John Kerry against George W. Bush ("Who would you rather have a beer with?").

Yes, there will be media bias, but how much and what kind?

Since politics is more art than science, let's artfully estimate the Media Bias Quotient in this contest. Rate how biased you think reporters will be on 10 things they value in a candidate. (For example: Whose oratory do they prefer? McCain, 15 percent; Obama, 85 percent.)

Story: Journalists take pride in writing "the first draft of history." Which story would they rather cover - election of the first black president or of the oldest white guy yet?

Media Bias Quotient: McCain, 10 percent; Obama, 90 percent.

Quote-worthy: Obama's soaring rhetoric often fails as a sound-bite. "We live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join me as we try to change it." McCain often uses a sledgehammer to nail a point: "Washington is a Hollywood for ugly people. Hollywood is a Washington for the simple-minded." Brevity is the soul of a witty sound-bite.

McCain, 60 percent; Obama, 40 percent.

Excitement: Obama fans sometimes faint at his rallies. McCain fans may appear to have fainted, but they just fell asleep. However, once McCain locks horns with Obama, his rallies will become more rousing and newsworthy.

McCain, 25 percent; Obama, 75 percent.

(Continued here.)


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